Sunday, April 4, 2010

Uphill challenge

The daylight savings changeover happened last night, so I managed an extra hour of sleep - which only made it harder to wake up this morning.
I had suggested to hubby that I would like to explore the route that my son, Gabrial would likely use, if we agreed to allowing him to ride to school and perhaps after that to ride on to Rowville Lakes to enjoy the scenery.
Unfortunately for me, I had failed to research the terrain, having previously been to the area only by car, I had doomed myself to torture because the slopes were horrendous, although what goes up, had to come down! There were a few great downhill slopes, but I was absolutely exhausted from today's ride!
Gasping and breathless, I was relieved to finally make it home. But it was an enjoyable ride in parts and I must say, the new bike makes a whole world of difference as can be seen from my increased average speed below in the chart.
I seriously doubt I would have survived the hills on hubby's old bike, and am looking forward to tomorrow's ride - I have requested an extended route to the Eastlink one we took yesterday.
I hope I can still stand when I go back to work!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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